Lord Mayor’s Charitable Foundation will work in partnership with the City of Melbourne on their Building Pathways to Home project announced today on World Homelessness Day.
The City of Melbourne project brings together a unique group of corporate, local government and not for profit organisations to work collaboratively together to increase the supply of crisis accommodation for people who are experiencing homelessness in Melbourne’s CBD.
The Foundation has established a Giving Account to hold tax-deductible donations that will be granted to an approved project increasing crisis housing and pathways out of homelessness.
In addition to providing these philanthropic services, the Foundation will provide support to the initiative via targeted grants for specific projects.
Lord Mayor’s Charitable Foundation Chief Executive Catherine Brown said that this new homelessness project fits well within the Foundation’s Impact Area of Homelessness & Affordable Housing.
“We have a very strong history and expertise in funding projects that include preventing entry into homelessness and developing accommodation that is safe and secure for people who are experiencing homelessness.”
Recent projects have included increasing the supply of crisis accommodation with VincentCare’s redevelopment of Ozanam House and Melbourne City Mission’s redevelopment of Frontyard Youth Foyer for young people who are homeless.
Other projects have included supporting the development of medium and longer-term affordable housing for women and families with Women’s Property Initiative, Launch Housing and Habitat for Humanity.
City of Melbourne’s plan is to increase the supply of crisis accommodation by redeveloping existing buildings within Melbourne’s CBD and inner Melbourne that will provide short-term accommodation with wrap-around support services required for people sleeping rough in Melbourne.
“With more than 95 years as the community foundation for Melbourne, we are looking forward to contributing our expertise to this important collaborative initiative.”