Impact Areas | Healthy & Climate Resilient Communities

Regenerating Melbourne's Ecological Corridors: Unlocking biodiversity networks for community health and climate resilience

University of Melbourne
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Unlocking interconnected corridors of green space in densely populated areas around Melbourne is the focus of a new partnership project with The University of Melbourne and not-for-profit design practice, OFFICE.

Lord Mayor’s Charitable Foundation provided a $50,000 grant to support Melbourne Biodiversity Network which plans to increase the biodiversity of underutilised corridors including powerline easements, pipe tracks, waterways, and floodway.

This funding supports the first stage of the project, with researchers from the University and OFFICE consulting with a range of stakeholders to understand how this vision might be realised potentially through public parks, walking trails and bike paths for local residents in dense urban areas, and the regeneration of wildlife habitats.

The Foundation’s CEO Dr Catherine Brown OAM said, “Lord Mayor’s Charitable Foundation is proud to support the Melbourne Biodiversity Network project because, over the longer term, it presents an opportunity to show that collectively working to care for and connect with the natural environment can also strengthen our city region’s social capital and its climate resilience.”

11. Sustainable Cities and Communities

What we're working towards

1. Communities shape regenerative and just climate change resilience.