Impact Areas | Homelessness and Affordable Housing

Bushfire Response - Provision of Temporary Housing

Habitat for Humanity Australia (Victoria) Inc
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In response to the 2020 Black Summer Bushfires, Lord Mayor’s Charitable Foundation’s provided a $180,000 grant to Habitat for Humanity to build temporary well-designed homes from shipping containers.

Three homes have been built and delivered to people who lost their homes in the fires. The temporary houses have allowed these families and individuals to live in safe and secure housing while they rebuild and recover.

Once new permanent homes have been rebuilt, the temporary homes will be transported to other sites to meet current bushfire housing needs and then for future crisis events. This has been an exciting pilot project with potential to be duplicated in other regions in future.

Bob's story

11. Sustainable Cities and Communities

What we're working towards

2. Interventions that prevent entry into or entrenchment in homelessness.