Thursday, 16 June 2022

After two years of lock-downs and online events for our donors, we warmly welcomed back members of our Swanson Society, as well as friends and supporters of the Foundation, to the annual Swanson Society event at the State Library of Victoria.

It was a wonderful opportunity to get together to celebrate the collective impact and generosity of our donors, and the ongoing impact of our grants program.

Guest speakers Professor James McMahon, Professor Karen Willis and Associate Professor Natasha Smallwood provided fascinating insights into the impact of COVID-19 on frontline healthcare workers. The Foundation had provided a grant in 2021 for this research to be undertaken. A question-and-answer session facilitated by Fron Jackson-Webb, health editor at The Conversation, enabled further discussion with our guests who were able to ask further questions about the research.

L-R:  Professor Karen Willis, Foundation CEO Dr Catherine Brown OAM, Professor James McMahon, Associate Professor Natasha Smallwood and Fron Jackson-Webb.