Fitted for Work – SheWorks
The scale-up of this social enterprise recruitment agency will help fund Fitted for Work's not-for-profit services for women experiencing disadvantage and enable women to access sustainable employment and develop career resilience.
SYC Limited – Sticking Together Project
$250,000 over two years
The 60-week employment coaching pilot will explore the factors that affect positive work outcomes for young people. The results will influence the design of support services to increase a young person’s capacity to maintain employment.
Victoria University – Victoria Institute for Education Diversity and Lifelong Learning – Improving Education for Young People in Remand: Forging a Prison to School Pipeline
$247,677 over two years
This action research project will examine the often disrupted educational journeys of young people in remand, with a focus to improve life outcomes.
FMC Mediation and Counselling Victoria – Seniors Conflict Resolution and Elder Abuse Prevention Services
A collaborative initiative undertaken with Senior Rights Victoria and Eastern Community Legal Service that builds the resilience of older people and supports conflict resolution through mediation.
Royal District Nursing Service – Older women living alone: understanding and optimising wellbeing and aged care services
$250,000 over 2 years
This research will explore the wellbeing and aged care service needs of older women living alone to optimise service equity.
Hope Street Youth and Family Services – Hope to Home City of Whittlesea
The pilot program will expand to the Whittlesea area and support young people who have experienced homelessness or family violence to lead independent lives through access to stable accommodation.
Safe Futures Foundation Inc. – First to Know, First to Act
$215,000 over two years
The project will build the capacity of homelessness and mainstream services to identify and respond early to incidences of family violence.
Victorian Women's Housing Association Ltd. (Women's Property Initiatives) – Shared Equity Housing for Older Women
$300,000 over two years
This early intervention pilot will help prevent older women with assets, but no home of their own, from falling into housing stress and potential homelessness due to lack of affordability and insecurity of tenure in private rental housing. This project aims to provide these older women with an alternative, using their assets to enter into home ownership jointly with a community housing provider.
Darebin Information Volunteer & Resource Service Inc. – Urban Food Social Enterprise
This social enterprise will connect local food producers with consumers, including food insecure populations, to create urban orchards that will increase the resilience of the Victorian food supply chain.
Environment Victoria – Transforming Victoria's Energy Efficiency
The project will produce two research reports that will form the basis of a cross-sectoral public education campaign to promote residential energy efficiency measures, especially in low-income homes.
Marist Youth Care – Growing Our Future: permaculture for sharing communities in St Kilda and Brunswick
$237,400 over two years
Community gardens built as part of the project will provide food and social capital, as well as create potential employment pathways and increase school attendance for young people in the community.