Tuesday, 17 December 2024

Science backs it: Greater happiness and better health linked to giving

Brain Activation and Happiness

When your brain perceives a reward coming for making the right decisions, the mesolimbic pathway is activated and releases dopamine. That’s the happiness chemical that gives you a warm and fuzzy feeling. The ‘right’ decisions aren’t necessarily just what benefits you. Altruistic decisions also activate the reward system, bringing feelings of happiness and contentment.

Research at the University of British Columbia suggests that people who spend money on others are happier and healthier than others. The research also shows that people underestimate how much happiness donating brings. Even giving $5 over a day demonstrated increases in happiness. The researchers also tested awareness of giving leading to happiness does not decrease the happiness gained.

Improved Health

There are physical benefits to charitable giving too. Dr Stephen Post, Professor of Family, Population and Preventive Medicine at Stony Brook University in the USA has been conducting research on this for over 50 years. His research has found that the earlier someone starts giving, the more positive physical health outcomes there are for them. He’s found that giving increases physical health and happiness and increases self-awareness.

Other research has explored the relationship between longevity and giving rather than receiving support.

In summary,  as we are in traditional time for donating to worthy causes, by helping others, you can gift yourself happiness and better health.