Impact Areas | Homelessness and Affordable Housing

Unequivocal Women’s Housing: Quality affordable housing and landscaping for women at risk of homelessness

Monash University
Grant Amount
Grant Type
Seed Innovation
Grant Year
Grant Amount
Grant Type
Seed Innovation
Grant Year


International Women’s Day 2022 was an important time to promote the growing issue of women’s homelessness. 

Women over the age of 55 are the fastest growing cohort of homeless in Australia with research estimating that more than 400,000 women over the age of 45 are at-risk of homelessness. 
Until recently, there was a limited gender lens focused on responses to women’s homelessness or affordable housing. 
In 2019, Lord Mayor’s Charitable Foundation funded Monash University to assess what physical structure is needed for older women at-risk of homelessness to feel safe and create a good home. 

This research project addresses the need for user-focused feedback to provide a framework for future, affordable, fit-for-purpose housing types for women.  
Senior Manager Homelessness & Affordable Housing Erin Dolan says, “This research project is unique in that it interviewed existing tenants and service providers in recently developed affordable housing to investigate and ascertain what works for women.  The project’s outcomes are detailed in practice notes to provide significant direction for developers, and funders, on how to provide quality affordable housing for this cohort.”

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'Unequivocal Women’s Housing: Quality affordable housing and landscaping for women at risk of homelessness' aligns with these United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals:

1. No Poverty 5. Gender Equality 11. Sustainable Cities and Communities

What we're working towards

1. Increased supply of quality affordable housing.